A division of NSW Housing, the Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO), has a large portfolio of 5000 properties that it owns or manages.
The property data was held in a disparate set of databases and systems, which were not integrated; making it difficult to effectively manage all aspects of the properties.
The AHO had a complex list of requirements to be met.
They needed an integrated system that could hold all property data, project and maintenance information, a tenant complaints system, and an ability to track and manage performance of the managing agents engaged by the AHO.
Lodestone was engaged to lead the requirements analysis and to configure Salesforce to meet the requirements of the AHO.
Lodestone worked closely with AHO to define their unique needs.
Because of the modular nature of Salesforce we were able to stagger the implementation.
This helped to manage change, get teams up to speed and of course, means you don’t have to wait for everything to be delivered before benefits of the project are realised.
The centralised property database and agent accounts modules were implemented first, followed by the complaints, contracts and maintenance modules, then the agent compliance module.
The complaints module captured complaints, allocates workflow, manages and escalate cases; with SMS and email communication to keep customers up-to-date.
The final module, management of property agents module released in January 2020, features automatic uploads from agent systems; and an automated KPI management, alert and workflow system for performance management.
The Salesforce Einstein module is used to provide advanced analytics integrated to the workflow and monitoring functions.
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